A Message in a Bottle.

Another chapter in this imaginary book reminds us to be grateful and enjoy

the simple things because these are the secret jewels our

subconscious seeks to obtain.

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A Message in a Bottle.

Chasing a dream is filled with hopes and desires. However,

following it is a journey loaded with challenges beyond belief.

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A Message in a Bottle.

This overwhelming and profound resource information

threw me for a loop.

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Featured Paintings


The first painting is titled Manifestations, it depicts a figure in a fetal position after letting go of its beliefs to start a new beginning in a new world.

Finding Forever

A place where the stars align 

A place where precious food is divine 

A place where I stand as tall as a Baobab tree 

A place where no matter where you are spiritually, there is Love for you and me, 

A place that has Salvation for those who come together 

A place where having character is a treasure

New Life

I was ignorant to your light, now I see the power of your Mercy, I’m grateful for another chance, to be a servant for thee.  Thanks for a New Life

Have you ever gone walking on a secluded white sandy beach somewhere in the tropics, fantasizing about finding a
bottle with a note in it?

Darren Jackson

Darren Terell Jackson was compelled to write short stories that expressed his thoughts and visions. His books share many spiritually inspired self-created oil paintings, real life testimonies...

About the Author